Arteaga & Garcia Law office
Very Dishonest Man


Iwent to this lawyer to do an expungement and I had consulted 2attorneys by phone and online that would charge 400-500 dls for theirfees and filing fees, Martin Arteaga stated that He would charge600.00dls for everything (his fee and filing fee) until the case wasresolved, I went to this firm because his partner Kevin Garcia hadhandled a case for me before but Kevin was on vacation, I did not thinkhighly of Martin Arteaga but needed to do this asap, He made me pay inadvance, I was stupid and did, I paid 1200.00 for 2 expungements, aftera while He told me I owed him 600 more for his fees, I explained to himour agreement and He blatantly lied, said He never agreed to that andstopped working on my cases, this guy is the greediest, He is onereason why lawyers are hated, greedy, dishonest, takes advantage ofpeople who have problems and makes them worse, in the same field asscammers, reminds me of people like Bernie Madoff, This guy makes theword Lawyer synonimous of Liar. Don't hire this office, save your money.

Company: Arteaga & Garcia Law office
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: 960 w. 17th street
Phone: 7146670668
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