Supposed to be a trade site for books


A friend told me about and knew I was trading books on other sites, and thought I would be interested in joining. I was and quickly posted numerous books and got several people interested in some of mine, and promptly mailed them, including one out of the country.

Then, when I went to request books, suddenly I got an email stating my account is closed because of past account violations. I wrote back and let them know I had never heard of them, and never had a prior account - they must have me mixed up with someone else. They said - your account is closed - that is final.

Consequently I am out the mailing costs for the books I mailed and the time I took to enter the books and select the books I wanted, which I will not be getting now.

For this reason, and for the reason of knowing that the other trade book sites are honest, decent people, I wanted to let others know of this fraudalent book trading site called

Country: USA
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John Buckman, bookmooch, book mooch closed my account after I mailed my books and gave no credit/warning
It's like big brother is watching internet
Didn't get my trade points

Paperback Swap Rip-off! They said I was trading books on their site and then selling them online. Froze my acct

BMC Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Bottom Line Books
Received books i did not order. I am now being charged $47.94

Crossings Book Club
Book were mailed to me that I were not interested in reading, after I had indicated that I didn't want them sent. I am being charged for products I have no interest in. When I sent the books back, an

Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

Literary Guild
Disputed final charges

Don't Send Buyback to Ecampus