JB Dollar Stretcher Magazine
I was fired for absolutely no reason


I was the employee the other poster talked about. I worked there for about a 3 weeks and I worked hard. I called many potential customers to set up meetings. Since I was new the boss would accompany me to the sales call. He would do all of the selling and I would call over and over again to follow up with the business. I set up at least ten meetings. SOme were promising some were not but overall I called hundreds of business and was cussed out bc one guy by the name of Bob G. Owns all of the accounts in the area and Michigan. THey had no way of determining other than the boss looking over your call sheets to tell you if the customer has been called or is a current customer. So imagine how frustrating it is for an employee and the business called to be told "didnt you guys call me like 5 mins ago?" To wrap this up I never sold the business to anyone bc I never was allowed to present the company. It is true about not getting mileage or being reimbursed for mailing media kits. I was also made to supply my own computer bc they didn't have an extra one. I was told to come in the office one day and told that I was being let go bc I wasn't selling. I didn't argue bc I had had enough of that BS place. I had never been told to improve or given a chance to prove myself I was just let go. BUt how can I sell if the boss (JOhn) is the one doing all of the selling? I was only making $250 a week so I wasnt missing out on much but when I think back that place is not a place to work.

Company: JB Dollar Stretcher Magazine
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Toledo
Address: 5577 Airport Highway, # 203
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JB Dollar Stretcher
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JB Dollar Stretcher
Sells vacation packages that companies don't honor, and they won't help resolve concerns

JB Dollar Stretcher Magazine
Their sales people lie and they have unethical business practices Toledo

JB Dollar Stretcher Magazine
Unfair to Employees

Jb dollar stretcher magazine
JB Dollar I'm an employee that was fired for asking too many questions

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JB Dollar Stretcher Unethical to employess and clients and Ohio

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Aweful Customer Service At (Magazine Net Site)

Portrait innovstions
Portraits.com lied to me to get me in then charged me more than what i was told on the phone and watch out the cds dont work!