Closed for thanksgiving


I visited your shop to purchase some place. I'd have gone earlier nevertheless I'm a RN and that I perform five hours each day. After I visited your shop it had been shut. I understand that christmas is just a vacation, there is a within the shop he went outside to smoking. She explained the shop was sealed for christmas. I told him I had a need to purchase some materials for my thankgiving celebration. He explained the registers weren't available and there is merely a skeleton team to setup the shop for Holiday. He declined to permit me within the shop. I told him that I'm a RN and create 90k annually and invest lots of profit the shop. He explained he couldn't I would like to store and also the shop was shut.

I really donot understand why he let didn't allow me in. To best it off none of the employees were dark or Jewish. This simply suggests that they're experiencing their paid vacation without having to be grateful for this. All of us understand how these folks prefer to protest about discrimation and therefore are unthankful against something.

I believe that I ought to have my gasoline money-back for losing my time for you to move there, a $25 gift-card and also the cash changed to obtain my sodas sort a far more expensive shop. Cash isn't a problem, (when I am a registred nurse and create two times as muchas that rude supervisor) nevertheless it is thr primary and insufficient customer support.

Actually if that rude supervisor hadn't gone outside to smoking I'd have now been waiting until tomorrow morning simply to discover the shop was shut. I'm sure if everyone was not lazy greens and jews who do not enjoy christmas could be prepared to function, nevertheless those individuals are also lazy to work and be prepared to get cash for nothing. (if they're area of the shop at-all since many blacks jews, and hispanics are on walfare and WOn't obtain a career and create us purchase their walfare.

Company: Walmart
Country: USA
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