Chase - JPMorgan - Chase Bank
Was hired and let go for NO REASON—found out later from employees my Manager didnt like me—so I was gone


Chase hired me to be an Underwriter. I have over 15 years experience underwriting loans in one capacity or another. I have only worked for 2 companies in my entire life. After I was hired I had to go through a Chase training process to learn the mechanis of thier software, pretty normal stuff. However after about 4 weeks I was told that I had to take special tests to get lending authority with Chase—if you dont pass you may not be able to keep your job, my manager said—creating a pressure that truly created a hostile work enviorment. I took 6 tests (Im not a good test taker) I passed 4 out of 6 and then they wanted me to take more tests—mind you NONE of this testing was told to me in the interview process or when I was hired. After about 2 more weeks of Underwriting and approving loans I was called into my Managers office one day and she had her manager on the phone tell me I was being let go. I said "why?!!" she said we re excercising our 90 day option. I said —huh? I could not believe what I was hearing. Then to make things embarrasing—the manager walked me to my desk like a criminal held my arm on the way out and told me not to talk with anyone. I could not beleiev what was happening to me. Since then I have been applying at different places but I cannot ever forgive this company for what they did to me. I wonder if they realize that I am a customer too—not just an employee. If you are thinking of doing business with this company -Chase bank—just remember how they treat a Father who has a wife and a family.

Company: Chase - JPMorgan - Chase Bank
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: Morse Road
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JPMorgan Chase

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