Wells Fargo
Breaking fdcpa laws!


Wells Fargo has called our company to discuss personal matters with an employee, This employee TOLD them to STOP calling him at work they will get him fired. They did, He was terminated because wells fargo called at least 5 times a day. Against FDCPA LAW. But it did not stop there. After this poor employee was terminated Wells Fargo CONTINUED to call at least 6 times a day to speak to this previous employee.

Our firm has called and spoke with a supervisor who said I will take care of it. WRONG the calls continue DAILY at least 6 times a day. They are calling our 800 number and tying up our lines, making it hard for us to receive calls from our clients. We have wrote them letters to the corporate office explaining all of this, But the calls continue.

I have told them that we will document all calls and time that they have wasted of our receptionist and they will reimburse our firm. They found that funny and continue to call our firm. We have nothing to do with this company.

Funny thing is one of our larger clients have a home that was unfortunely financed thru Wells Fargo and he finds them a complete joke to deal with and plans on re-financing soon so that he does not have to work with such a pathetic group of uneducated people.

WARNING TO ALL - If you deal with this pathetic company, be prepared to have to deal with these idiots. It would scare me to deal with a company that does not even follow the FDCPA LAW. If they dont mind breaking the FDCPA LAWS what else dont they mind doing?

Must have received alot of bail out money - You cant tell me a company with such lake of education and professionalism did need money to keep them going. It cant be their customer service skills, education, or professionalism that they are known for.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Dallas
Address: 200 Crescent Court Suite # 1425
Phone: 4074441499
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