Streem, INC google scam


On 10/24/09 I found a "google' add on the web saying you could make big bucks at home by linking web site addys to google. For a few bucks they would send a "kit" to get started. Was warned by a friend that this was a scam.
Googled the fastblogincome name and found complaints about the co. Also found th web page with another email addy and phone no. He had startted this web page 9/27/09 and had already changed domain names twice.
Left a msg canceling on his voice mail and warned him if he charged my acct for anymore fees I would smear his name all over the net. Never communicated directly with anyone. I got an email the following day acknowledging my cancellation.
I am still seeing ads for this scam esp. On Fox news web page. His add even had ABC, MSNBC, CNN logos at the bottom making it look legit. Emailed their news manager[Fox] warning him. I decided I had to do more to warn others.

Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Address: 1101 Haynes St. Suite 001
Phone: 9198099107
  <     >  

RELATED COMPLAINTS Unauthorized Charges, No Terms and Conditions, Use of legitimate trademarks, County Durham, Othe
They go under other google names scam, charges shipping fee of $2.97 then charges account $80, shares account information with other companies
Fastblogincome how they rip me off and how they do it Stole $75 from bank account!

Google Now Hiring
Time Insider - Work For Google - Work From Home For Google Fake news story claims Google is hiring, then links to an ad specifically disclaiming any affiliation with Google, google SCAM, Unsecure, False Claims, Stold $85 from Bank account They took out additional funds out of my account and when I called to cancel they would not refund the money

Aegir Atlantic Media Limited
Homejobwithgoogle SCAM dont fall for it For only $1.97 introductory price, you will have $75.50 stolen from your account within 72 hours!

Fast Blog Income Through Google
The website advertised earning extra money working from home for google. They request $1.98 up front, for what they claim to be S&H for training materials. Now my account is charged 74.97 every month