Magic Jack
The best


People who say magic jack is bad don't fully understand how to work it. Yes the first time i had it i returned it because i live in oklahoma and could not find my area code. It was available later this year so i went and got it again. I did everything it told me to do. Then i kept seeing register your magic jack well i already did that so that i could get 911. Well about a day later that was gone from the window on the bottom of the magic jack and my address appeared along with a green circle 911. It registered with my police station. My calls are clear no echo no problem at all when my lights went out i simply turned the computer back on and hit magic fix upgrades it went thru the motion and came back. If you don't leave your computer on it will mess it up you cannot turn off your high speed or try to put it in a standby mode. I love this invention now because i fully understand it they way they describe it on tv is not good just plug it in and make a call. That is what is confusing people no you need to register and put in information asked of you. Also you cannot plug it into a live phone line it does not work. I cancled my phone line and did what i was supposed to and the phone works great so don't judge it until you fully understand how it works. I was tired of paying $58.00 a month phone bill that is $696.00 a year now i pay $19.95 a year. No i do not represent this company and i love it. Like i said i live in bixby oklahoma i cannot wait until they can get rid of cable or the dish ha ha thank you

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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