United Parcel Service
Damage problems - delivery


I admit it. I ship fragile glass works. I've been doing it for forty years. But I pack well and I do not seek to make money on damaged goods. UPS reps used to come to my studio and "wish everyone packed as well." But UPS NEVER pays a claim when they break something. I honestly don't think there's any way to insure safe delivery and it's a career breaker. I absorb a lot of loss. Too much for my company. Lately I've been shipping through USPS. It used to be better at UPS and now they've farmed out claims to a denial company to further insulate them.

Company: United Parcel Service
Country: USA
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United Parcel Service
Damage claims - delivery

GROUND ripoff of damage goods claim and damage AGAIN during inspection of claim!

NonStop Delivery
The Worst Delivery Service - Unbelievably Poor Customer Service, and Refusal to Pay Claims

Deluxe Delivery Systems
Deluxe delivery systems is the worst delivery company new york ny. Long island city new york

United Parcel Service
UPS-Delivered Wrong Customer - Appliance

United Parcel Service
UPS - package delivery

DHL Express
Ripoff! Doesn't reward damage claims!

Fedex Ground
Fedex Kinko's ripoff damage claims and unsafe return damage package inspection, Jacksonville, Florida

United Van Lines, L.L.C
UNITED VAN LINES Moving company Rips me Off. Theft and Destruction of my Property

United States Postal Services
USPS Had to pay Twice the fee for a lost Insured package, With no Delivery, returend 21 days later to me!