Ron Allen & Associates - America's Choice Reader Service
They collect outstanding debt that was clearly incurred by the sick, feeble, infirm or handicapped


As a break from my usual profession I became a top-flight collector of outstanding debts for a number of companies which were all within the law as far as they could be. Of course it only takes one bad employee to ruin a company, but usually that is not a major problem to correct. Even a hard business to succeed in has more success when they follow the legal path when collecting a legitimate debt.
Ron Allen & Associates was the worst-run, worst-managed company I've ever encountered in collections. They solicit magazine sales via the phone on one end to start the scam and finish it by collecting so-called unpaid debt that was agreed upon by the customer and one of the many publishing ripoff front companies owned by Ron Allen.
There collection of so-called legal debt is only because of the illegal method of operations, lack of ethics & absence of any oversight can only be proven by an ex-employee. They start from the sale and mainly collect debts due by people who were victimized by their sales department. A majority of debt I was asked to collect was not done with knowledgeable consent. This company's ripoff begins by targeting mostly the elderly, foreign-born who don't yet have a grasp of English, infirm and handicapped and even kids. The tricks of their threatening behavior are mostly due to an ability to get access to a card number which they claim was authorized verbally in a recorded conversatiion in which they say the evidence is on tape. No customer contacted hears these tapes ever, just a threat that they will be heard when the debt dispute goes to a judge.
It's the worst kind of ripoff that makes legitimate debt collection look like a racket, however, it's not this kind of ripoff. As an employee, I have never been treated to the kind of humiliating and public dressing down I received after asking that a radio be turned down so I could collect a large sum that was really owed. The manager was furious I had the nerve to want his favorite song off so I could meet a goal he had insisited I reach that week or be fired. I could go on and will if legal action will get my blood pressure to return to its normally safe state that Ron Allen and his minions helped destroy. These people are the lowest form bloodsucking crooks and should be stopped.

Company: Ron Allen & Associates - America's Choice Reader Service
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa rosa
Address: 350 E. Street
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