Jennifer C
Fake surrogate mother beware to all ip's this lady uses different names phone numbers addresses. She is a scammer she posts ads to be a surrogate mother she is no good please do back ground checks first she took over 12000


Beware!!! This lady jennifer c. Is in winston salem, north carolina she is a surrogate mother scammer she is nothing more than a criminal thief and liar she has a very long criminal background she is no good she has 6 children and she will tell you it is such a blessing to help another couple all part of her lies. She will tell you lies about everything to get d*g money for her and her boyfriend, she uses fake addresses phone numbers and names i have a attorney i'm taking her to court she scammed me out of over $12,000.00 not only me but others as well she plays ip's because she knows how bad we want a family she even faked a adoption of one of her children to me to get money when she found out i went to get a lawyer to do it the right way she got scared she will stop at nothing to take you for all you have and ruin your dreams with her greed. I have reported her to winston salem police dept. Also others for fraud i will not stop till i get my money back and she is behind bars where she belongs. Please if you are looking for a surrogate mother please do a background check and get a attorney to handle all required documents needed. I dont want her to do this to any more people. She is very bad news..

Company: Jennifer C
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
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