Dazzlewhite - EZYKIT and other such titles all part of a SCAM


The web page www.dazzlesmilepro.com provide information that entices one to take a chance on the free trial offer for just the cost of shipping. No where does it say the trial includes material that the full price, $80.07 including foreign exchange fee, will be billed to your credit card. Also billed to the credit card is a web access fee of $4.95 which becomes a monthly fee if you don't get it immediately cancelled. Once cancelled, you'll receive a 50% credit.

A long wait was encurred before contact was made with a Dazzlewhite representative on their 800 number. I told him I was mislead by their advertisements and that I want to cancel the order without even trying the test to see if their product worked. After some haggling he gave me instructions on where and how to return the material. The best way to ensure of the return is to use "certified return receipt requested" at the post office. It will cost use $6 but worth it to make sure all the dots are crossed for the credit. My credit card company was notified of this problem, including the cancellation number and I received the credit about a week after receiving confirmation vendor received the product.

I check my financials daily online. The first clue there is a scam was with a "web Access Fee" of $4.95 plus foreign exchange fee showing up on my credit card. From a previous experience with another product scam, this fee will show up monthly until you catch on that it's not legit. You'll only get a 50% credit on the last billing fee when cancelled.

If this is not enough with this scam, I got hit with a $8.53 from EZYKIT which is another monthly fee as part of a weight loss program I supposedly signed up for as part of the treil with Dazzlewhite. The vendor does not provide a phone contact in the description. However by a lucky guess, the phone number was included in the transaction number. When cancelled, I received a cancellation number but no credit.

Lesson to be learned is it pays to watch your credit card charges on a daily basis. If not done, these charges would have gone on for several months thus making it difficult to receive any credits.

Company: Utilfreshwell
Country: USA
Phone: 8669822686
Site: www.dazzlesmilepro.com
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DAZZLEWHITE gives credit card number to others in spite of canceled order

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