Chris Supervisor
National Magazine Exchange NME I repeatedly told this person to Cancel everything and do not debit my account. I just checked my account and the debit was placed at 20:19: 02 this date. 9/25/09 Failure of supervisor to listen to suspected customer


I received the "call and register for our $2.100,000.00. I called and talked to Jennifer who gave me a pitch about magazines and got supervisor Chris on the phone. After listening to Chris and finding out the true story of the scam, I told him to cancel all that had transpired, and do not debit my account. I checked my account tonight and there at 20:19: 02, was the debit. It is my understanding that my telling him to cancel all occurences during this phone call, is legal cancellation of the transaction and the debit shouldn't have been made *

Company: Chris Supervisor
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: P.O. Box 9084
Phone: 1804205478
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National Gas Phone scam
Shoppers Express Hacker Person posing as emplyee, has you verify information, runs debit or credit card up, using another company's phone number

National Healthnet Online

US Magazine
Consumer Report
Ripoff Deceptive and underhanded practices

I out smarted vonage when i cancelled ripoff california

International Magazine Company, Inc./ Name Of Person - Tyler
International Magazine Company, Inc. Illegally took money from my account without my consent and Illegally aquired all my personal information
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International Magazine Co

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United Marketing Association - Chris Stocker Employee#: 1682
Ripoff scams lies