I have noticed the last couple of days an odd withdrawal from my checking account of 33.98 and 17.95 unauthorized


I have noticed unusual checks written out the past couple of days for 33.98 and 17.95 in which were not authorized.in doing research into the past couple months i have noticed these two amounts in the past 2 statements, overlooked not sure how.

I got the information as to where these amount are going to and got a 800# to the PDLCSupport.com and a theft protection which is linked to this as well. I called the number but was unable to get a live person and proceeded to have it cancelled.

Not sure if cancellation will work however i would like to get refunded for the money we lost which does effect us as we have medical bills galore.

Not getting anywhere with how to get this money back and is looking for answers. Also i noticed that the last 4 digits of my husbands ss # is on the check so that scares me too. I know a while back we were looking for a solution to a problem but did not get a loan thru a source and didnt sign any papers. Any suggestions

Company: PDLCSupport.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8669550833
Site: pdlcsupport.com
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