Ocwen Financial Service
Ocwen Financial, Ocwen is nothing but a BUNCH OF CROOKS. They play the game on there Web site they will refinance and work with there Customers what a lie. Lets hire attorneys sue


We have to hold these people accountable for there actions. The government goes and prosecutes people for acts of knowing and participating in acts of fraud and deception, this is apparent by there web site, we will help our customers refinance and even talk about Obama plan about this. Now lets look at these reports and see if we have a problem with what they are doing to help there customers except lying, hanging up on customers, saying one thing and doing the other, give us a break lets start doing something about this scum. I was happy just to talk to someone that can speak ENGLISH. Oh by the way I was just like one of the other poor souls that thought he was going to get refinance, because I had a heart attack and my wife couldnt work because of medical issues. Needless to say but I was treated just like the others in this report. We will help, you qualify for assitance, What a Joke. They have foreclosed on us and are trying to evic now. We are going to fight this win or lose.

Company: Ocwen Financial Service
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 15814 White Canyon Ln
Phone: 2814501630
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