California Psychics
Outlook Amusements Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, California, California Psychics were the best, but then lost their integrity to the bottom line


Dear Customers and ex-employees of California Psychics:

I truly feel for each and every one of you. I, too, am an ex-employee of California Psychics. I have 35 years professional experience doing this work, and right from the moment I started with this company I was told I was a top favorite by customers and customer service alike.
Now the way these lines work for psychics is like this: we are subcontractors. This means we have no taxes or social security taken out. We have no health insurance or benefits of any kind. We never receive paid vacation or sick days. We are let go without warning or reason, and without any sort of severance package at ALL. Because of a 'no-compete' clause in our contracts, we cannot give out our personal contact info on the line. I always abided by that, but really miss and feel for my wonderful regular clients who are probably wondering what the heck happened to me and where I went. You can reach me at:
I really loved and believed in this company, because it used to be run by real psychics; and when you have that, you have a company that will only hire REAL psychics.
I have had a number of very difficult health problems, but had to work 70 plus hours per week to make ends meet, no matter what. You see, we psychics get less than 10% of what the customers are charged. The rest goes into administration and advertising. So, after a couple of years of working 7 days a week, 10 hours per day, I was getting dreadfully burnt out. Still, I did the best I could, and was told all was well. THat was, until the day I was let go in August without warning. They cited a complaint from JANUARY that I'd already cleared up. They said there were a couple of other complaints from early in the year, but they never informed me of them, so I had absolutely NO chance of rectifying the situation. I was extremely loyal to this company and my beloved clients (who cannot now reach me unless they search really hard!) because we have to sign a no-compete contract. I was even refused the right to access MY CUSTOMERS TESTIMONIALS which belong to ME and speak of MY work! So, in the middle of a shift I was let go, with no more income, no recourse, no respect, and no one who would talk to me to work this out.
I see here that a number of other very gifted and beloved psychics have been let go from this line in the same manner. Please, dear Allies: do you know of any other REAL psychic lines worth working for? I would so deeply appreciate it!
As for complaints: there are real and valid complaints from customers that should always be addressed. But then there is a category of client who does nothing but waste their money and our time and gifts trying to trick us by asking misleading questions. They make it their business to put honest, sincere helpers of humanity out of work. I guess they are winning out with this company over our great work and loyalty.
As for time predictions: any real psychic will tell you that pinpointing a time is exceedingly difficult, because people have free will. Say you are in love with someone who also loves you but who is wavering about commitment. We will see different time lines about a reunion based on where that person's head is at. I've been told over the 3plus decades I've been doing this that I'm very accurate with timing (not 100%; maybe 75%).
Many blessings to you all, and I would love to hear in particular from my former co-workers about their experiences!

Company: California Psychics
Country: USA
Phone: 8662925801
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