My Life/
MY LIFE = internet fraud, online scams dont click onto WHO IS LOOKING FOR YOU on myspace/facebook


While Doing my banking I came across a Charge from Reunion / The charge was for 60.00 which is a Tank of Gas for my Durango. I didnt not make these charges and did not give authorization for these charges. I looked for information about this company and learned alot. Ie like any other scam company they have changed their name. And they piggy back on other sites to get your information. Now they said I made a charge last year signing up for this service but I do not recall this. See I dont really care who is looking for me as I have nothing to hide. I did tho have a heart attack last year in fact two so I was having caths and other heart related services done so I wasnt as alert to charges which I should have been, I will eat that 60.00 and chaulk it up to I should have had someone in charge of my account while I was ill. But this charge made on 9.9.09 I did not make and I will NOT accept.

Now while you are on MYSPACE or FACEBOOK WHICH THEY PIGGY BACK ONTO. You will see a window that says WHO IS LOOKING FOR YOU. IT aint NOBODY. Its these scammers who are looking to RIP YOU OFF. So do yourself a favor. Call your friends or people you care about and leave these folks alone.

The Number to contact these folks ( in LA California is as follows 888-704-1900

Now I also urge you to not only call these folks but to also contact your state attorney's office. Make them aware of this scam and post your own personal event on this site. Do something make others aware. Lets end this once and for all. And by the by. They cant reach anyone you cant reach on your own. ITS ALL A SCAM.

Oh yeah and raise a little heck its good for them. They refunded my money and I gave bethany and piece of my mind I will follow up with my State Attorney's office and I will watch my accounts and I will do my part. If you are hit by this scam do yours. Report report report. Bethany If you loose your job at Mylife. Taco Bell is hiring.

This is Just some Good Ole TEXAS Justice..

Company: My Life/
Country: USA
Phone: 8887041900
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