Automoble Club Of Southern California
Car insurance rip off


2008 got car insurance from AAA of which I am a member. Thought they would be competitively priced. Found out shortly there after they charged a lot more than competitor for same insurance. Canceled insurance with them. They did not immediately cancel the policy and there was a balance due of $137. I was never contacted about this outstanding balance just sent to a collection agency who notified the credit rating agencys. Last month I was considering refinancing my home and found out that my credit score is below 700 which makes it very difficult to obtain a loan. I ran my own credit to discover that AAA whom I have been a member for years ruined my credit over $137 balance on an insurance policy they failed to cancel promptly.

Don't buy insurance from AAA and if u do check you credit often since they will not hesitate to send you to collections. Must be easier for them than a phone call to resolve the problem.

Even when I pay the $137 my credit will still be damaged since I have been in collections and you don't want to know how difficult it is to locate someone to pay the money to.

Company: Automoble Club Of Southern California
Country: USA
State: California
City: La Quinta
Address: 46050 Washington Blvd
Phone: 7607774721
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