MaxPro - Infinite Income - Priceless Possibilities
Fraud, Scam, Deception, Theft


Darren Salkeld is no stranger to causing complaints, through his deceptive and probably fraudulent marketing activity on the internet. He has offerred his money making ideas/services on several websites. The one that got my attention on July 10 was This led to other affilliated webites also operated by him; Other websites are named elswhere on this site. I visited and was intrigued by the information shown about a home based money making operation. I have never explored this type of opportunity before, and wasn't as cautious as I should have been. I allowed myself (stupid moment of greed) to be sucked in. The first step, after identifying myself, was to prove I was serious about making money by "investing" $47 through The next step was to spend another $497 to expedite my involvement and making money more quickly. An absolute 30 day money back guarantee was given, so I spent the money. Afterall, with a money back guarantee, it had to ok. Right? Wrong! The money will only be refunded after their package has been returned to them. However, if no package is ever shipped, it is impossible to return it. So, no refund. I firmly believe that if a package were shipped to me, I would have certainly have received within the 16 days that have elapsed since I paid the money. So I am reporting this as a scam. If it were legitimate, I wouldn't have to even consider making this complaint.

Company: MaxPro - Infinite Income - Priceless Possibilities
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tarpon Springs
Address: 207 Disston Avenue
Phone: 8778872577
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