Ddr Www Elements Info
Ddr www elements info charges on the visa card


This is the report becuase of a fradulent charge on my credit card on june 8 by the company ddr www elements info and i dont know what this charge for. I have not made any purchase from this company. The amount is $66.90. There is no contact information. We are reporting to the credit card company.
I searched the internet and found many such complaints and therefore i am reporting too so that others can be vigilant.

richmond hill, Ontario

Company: Ddr Www Elements Info
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Dr Www Elements Info

Dri Www Elements Info Elements Infode
Credit card fraud

Dri - Elements Info
Removed funds from my checking account

Elements Info - JCreator
Fraud! Ripoff company! Used my credit card with out my permission!

Info Unknown Bank charge?

DR Www Elements INFO INTERNET ripoff Credit Card fraudulent billing Unable to locate who they are and charged for what?

Dri Www Elements Info
Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

Dri - Elements Info
Charged my debit card $29.95 for whatever, without my approval. This is not the first this company has done this

Digital River GmbH
Elements.info - ripoff Unauthorized access of paypal account to withdraw funds totalling almost $3000!

Dri. elements.com
Dri. ELEMENTS.com Miami