Werner International Enterprises Inc
An order was sent to our Company without anyone ordering and they are billing us for almost $500.00


We recieved an unusual call of a woman saying that there was an order pending for us and that it was on its way, even though we told them no, we didnt place in order they still sent the package to our facility and are charging us almost $500.00. We have called the company several times to get this issue resolved and they are very rude and will not solve there error.

Company: Werner International Enterprises Inc
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: P.O. Box 25911
Phone: 4106315092
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Werner International Enterprises Inc
Delivered and invoiced light bulbs without an order from my company

Werner only cares about rhere self Omaha

Werner International Enterprises Inc
Werner International Enterprises. What seemed like a request to send a lightbulb catalog, turned out to be a phone scam for high priced light bulbs!

Werner International Enterprises
Sent light bulbs that we did not order to the tune of $2,955.80 total scam

Werner International Enterprises, Inc
Light Bulb Scam

Werner International Enterprises, Inc
Pat Kelly This company sent us an order and are demanding payment for items we never ordered or can use

Werner Enterprises
WERNER ENTERPRISES work for werner or work for no one

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