Roni L Deutch
And Sean Chi Prying on the Old and Ripping them OFF! North Highlands California


My parents who are aged 82 (Alzeheimers patient) 76 mother my step father sold his business a few years ago and only to find out he owed the IRS 215,000 well they are on a fixed income of social security. So I saw an AD on the TV for Roni Lynn Deutch so I gave the information to my mother and she called them they requested several statements and paperwork which I helped my mother obtain since my step father is basiclly lost...

The after the paperwork was mailed we received a phone cal from Sean Chi saying in order to take the case you need to send us $3500 to retain us and we will STOP the IRS levy from taking your money!

Well that was Nov here we are today July 21 and NOTHING! Other than yesterday my mother who has her own health problems called me in tears that the IRS cleaned out all ther money in checking and savings even her Social Security Check... SO mom called RL Deutch s office with again no help and we have been back and forth on the phone no help what so ever!
Now my folks have NO MONEY cant get there meds or food nothing and I am in a rock and hard place since I just lost my job in June and money is tight!

Do your self a FAVOR Dont Use RL Deutch for nothing takes your money and nothing gets done...
My folks are out almost 6000 dollars out since all this started and they IRS is still taking money from the account.

Company: Roni L Deutch
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 4815 Watt Ave
Phone: 8003047267
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Roni Duetch

Roni Lynn Deutch A Tax Corporation
Roni Lynn Deutchroni Lynn Deutch A Tax Corporation dropped like a hot potatoe

Roni Lynn Deutch
Roni lynn deutch stole my money lied about providing service

Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Roni Lynn Deutch Law Offices took the last money I had ($4,300!) and did nothing to help me!

Roni Lynn Deutch
Rip offs

Roni Lynn Deutch
Stay away from these so call Tax Lawyers North Highlands, CA 95660

Roni Lynn Deutch - Roni Deutch
Roni Lynn Deutch Is An Unprofessional Tax Corporation I gave Roni Deutch Tax Attorney 5000.00 to settle my taxes and I still owe the IRS the same amount, they are a ripoff

Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch - Roni Deutch Tax Lawyer
Rip Off Can't Stand the Commercial

Roni Lynn Deutch
Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch ripoff, lawsuit filed against the Law Offices of Roni Lynn Deutch and Roni Lynn Deutch, pay the IRS $20, "settle for pennies on the dollar" and "pay the IRS nothing" are false, misleading and deceptive

Roni Lynn Deutch
Deceptive practices - no delivery of services