American Marketing Group
Bamboozeled an already struggling household


I would like to let it be known how these inconsiderate, hateful, crookes scamed my husband and I. They called and asked for my husband and inquired about our timeshare. They initally called and asked about it and then a few hours later, they called and stated that they had a buyer.

As they called back, they asked questions, in which demonstrated they had knowledge of the timeshare business. I was a little hesistate as they told me the fee of $999 but after conferencing with my husband and realizing we were about to make a profit that would bring us out of debt, we agreed. Handing over a $999 was not easy for my household because my job closed down in February and i have been out of work since. So my husband and I has been trying so hard to make payments and deal with the unexpected circumstances, and then here comes some idots that doesn't care for anyone but themselves and takes advantage of people. I hope something occurs in their life and they find out how it feels to be bamboozeled. But at this time I really hope something would happen to the so - called manager Andreaus Richter and the rest of the scam staff.

Company: American Marketing Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Palm Beach Gardens
Address: 4400 Northcorp Parkway, Suite 12
Phone: 5612960477
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