Unathorized charges from my checking account


In May I had two charges for $72.21 in addition to two charges for $2.99. This was supposedly from I never authorized ANY charges to this company for anything. I called and was able to cancel my "membership" as the woman put it. A membership that I never signed up for. Now on July 19, I have two more charges to my account for $38.34 but this time from Once again, I called the 800 number, spoke to a woman who told me my "membership" was going to be cancelled and I could expect a refund in my account within 7-10 days. She was given 72 hours to return my money or I would contact the Federal Internet Fraud investigation department. I was then given an email address to send an email to: The instructions were to enter a code, the word "refund" and my name. I will send this email and pray I get my money the meantime, I have had to close my account, spend an additional $25 to have a new debit card expedited to me, let alone the time spent tracking this company down.

Do not fall for any schemes on the internet. They are all ripoffs and how my name got involved in this one is a mystery. Apparently, they are used to consumers calling because the woman I spoke with had all this information ready to give me. If enough people have been scammed by this, I believe a class action suit is in order to shut them down. From what I can tell by reasearching the internet, this is a company that uses Google as a front to advertise a work-at-home business. It's sad that so many people are getting ripped off and don't even know it. I will be getting my money back and hopefully shutting this company down!

Company: -
Country: USA
Phone: 8009260273
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