Cps Loan Company
Will anybody stand up to them? Don't ever sign with them... Tell the dealer you are working with "HELL NO!"


This company has caused us so much stress - it's one thing to know that you have financial problems... But it's another thing when everyone around you, your family, your friends, your work, your neighbors know too because CPS told them through their various scare tactics and lies trying to get them to slip up and give them something to work with. Although their "intent" is to come reclaim your vehicle... We all know how improbable that is now a days in our current economy crisis.

They use their knew found information to continue to torture you day in and day out and now they have something new to beat a dead horse with... You can't get blood out of a stone people... You think I'm here living it up with the money I couldn't send on time? Wrong, I drive 3 hours a day for work... Work full time, have a 2 year old and tuition and a mortgage... The most living up we do is getting to buy chicken freaking nuggets for the baby on Fridays!

These people will have you wanting to wish you had any sort of money to get a lawyer! They are scum! And to the Dealers that use this company for people like us... You are just as bad... People come to you in hopes of regaining their independence with a vehicle and you feed us to the wolves to make a quick buck!

To all of you who are in this tormenting hell as we are... I feel your pain and I wish I knew what to do.

Company: Cps Loan Company
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 19500 Jamboree Road
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