Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Lies to their Employees!


Until last week, I was an employee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association but then they decided I was expendible so they showed me the door. I'm really upset about this because I believed them when they said they cared about their employees and there customers. I was wrong—THEY DON'T!!! I could go on and on about how they treat their employees but I won't because I don't have all day. I'll just let you read a comment I copied from another web site about these shomes and let you judge for yourself. I can't add nothing else except to say that you've been warned.

I have worked at the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and can with a clear conscience steer any normal, intelligent person away from there. They treat all employees like crap, undermine your self confidence with their holier-than-thou attitudes, and give special attention to butt kissers who are in with the "in crowd" the chosen few land promotion after promotion regardless of how competent they are. The place is so political and the managers are so incompetent that it is amazing to me that they do not have even higher turnover than they do. It does not matter what department you go to, it is all the same.

You got that right!!!

Company: Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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