Publishers Clearing House Lacy Adams/Peter Gilane
Ripoff Artist mails Me a check for $4,755


On 7/10/09 I received a letter that was postmarked from Canada. I wondered why someone was writing from Canada. I opened the letter and it was a letter from "Publishers Clearing House" stating that I had won $86,455 in a sweepstakes draw on June 29th. There was a check enclosed for $4,750 that was supposedly sent by the Insurance company. I was told to call the number in the letter to contact the "lawyers" Lacy Adams or Peter Gilane to activate my claim, before depositing the check into my bank. When I called the number I was told to deposit the check and to immediately call the lawyers office back. I took the check to my bank and had the banks investment officer to look at the check, it was a real check drawn on a real prize disbursement account, but when he ran the check for me it came back that there was not a bank located in the city where the check was drawn on. He deposited the check for me and placed a 10 day hold on it to see if it would clear. I came home and called the number that was listed on the letter as being the number for Publishers Clearing House. A Asian sounding lady answered the phone and there was rock music blasting in the background. She told me to hold on, turned the music down, and asked me for my name. I told her my name and I told her about the letter, and I said that I wanted to make sure that the letter was really she told me to hold on, and then hung up on me. I tried to call back several times, but only got the answering machine.

That's when I went online and found this website and started reading the reports and the name Peter Gilane pop up several times. I am so glad that I had the bank to check that check out for me, because there is no way in hell that I could of afforded to pay back $4,750. I am just really pissed right mow because the way things are going with the economy right now. It takes a really dirty, lowdown, good for nothing, piece of dog$#! * to try to pull something one people who are already struggling. It makes me really sad to see what greed and downright laziness has done to the people of this country.instead of going out and doing what our forefathers did and working hard to build this country into something great, the great grandchildren are spitting in their faces. They fought and died for this to be great nation. But the whole world is losing the respect that they fought and died for. It makes me feel ashamed to see what this country is becoming, and it's not Obama fault, his only one man, We lazy Americans need to get off our a*es and bring this country back to it's former glory. What ever happened to We the People, by the people and for the people. It's the people that are tearing down this country not the government why are we putting the fate of our lives in the hands of one person you want change then we need to make that change. Turned of the damn computer and the TVs and start working we need to stop looking for a quick fix and really put our backbones into rebuilding this country.

Vernice b
Greensboro, North Carolina

Company: Publishers Clearing House Lacy Adams/Peter Gilane
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 1125 Cornell Avenue
Phone: 6047205318
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Publishers Clearing House
(not The Real One) Lacy Adams Or Peter Gilane Not real

Peter Gilane And Rhonda Orwood
Publishers clearing house scam per peter gilane and rhonda orwood

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Readers Digest Sweepstake
Readers Digest Sweepstake Expense Check

Publishers Clearing House
Consumer Report

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Sent a check drawn on Citibank N.A. For contest Non Resident GST. Told to deposit and call them

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Publishers Clearing House and Promotion Company
P & V Services Inc. Sent me a letter with a $3800.00 check enclosed