Tina Marie TylerTV & Media LLC
Tina Marie Tyler TV & Media - Ordered a computer and never paid for it $1481... She is in the media and is a thief!


Tina Marie Tyler ordered a computer from me and she had to have it very fast, so we shipped it to her. She and her business manager signed a statement saying the system would be paid for in full in 30 days. At first she lied about being out of town and assured me verbally, "don't worry, you will get your money". I wrote and called her repeatedly until she told me I was harrassing her. She and her manager are outright theifs who I believe never intended on paying me for the great PC we built her. I would love to find a way to smear her stealing and lying all over the media that she particiapates in and loves. She owes me $1481 and I have decided to start posting statements all over the web warning people about her criminal behavior.

Company: Tina Marie TylerTV & Media LLC
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Phone: 3108544292
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