Mosaic Sales Solutions
Elisabeth Hillyer Fired Whistleblower Harassment n Overtime Hours


Like the other person who complained about Mosaic Sales Solutions and in particular Elisabeth Hillyer, I was fired for being a whistleblower. Fortunately, I have the money to take them to court and am doing so.
After making both written and verbal complaints, one directly to Elisabeth Hillyer as a matter of fact, I was terminated. My complaints were about sexual harassment. She ended a phone call with me in the middle of the complaint—probably because she didn't want to be aware of the situation any more than she already was.
Since the complaint was about employees at a Walmart store, and Walmart—with over 3500 store in the U.S. And Mosaic employees in most of them several times a week—provides Mosaic with millions in revenue, Ms. Hillyer didn't want to do anything about the complaint. She in effect retaliated by firing me. It was foolish and came too late, which means Mosaic will likely have a difficult time dealing with the problem effectively in the courts.
I am registering this complaint because I'm just dumbstruck by the complete lack of moral or ethical consideration on Ms. Hilllyer's part, and the fact that she's not operating in a vacuum, so there must people around her with the same failings.
My experience, as well as those of others no doubt, indicates that Mosaic, and in particular Elisabeth Hillyer, are not to be trusted.

Company: Mosaic Sales Solutions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: 6051 N. State Highway 161
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Mosaic Sales Solutions
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