Gudelsky Group - Percontee, Inc
Hide a mean, untrustworthy greed behind pretense of Charity


I know... I know. You are surprised to see the name of such "trustworthy" people written up like this. But I thank God for what is still left of freedom of speech, so that I can remind you that not all that glitters is gold.

I worked in the front office for a couple of years, where I was one in a long line of those who had to leave because the place was so poorly run. (The line even includes a couple of lawyers, I believe.) Every day at least one of the owners would walk past egregious, undeniable abuse towards the staff by the managers - AND THEY WOULDN'T DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT!

This is silly when you CONSIDER THAT THEY GIVE AWAY LOADS OF MONEY IN THE NAME OF CHARITY. So I can only assume the charity is done for a tax write off, and to impress those who are already of their special ilk.

Why else let the Mayor slap you on the back, break open the bubbly, knowing that some poor working slob has to suffer right under your nose? Lets face it - dirt does not a millionaire make. But being in good with the politicians, and finding legal loopholes that allow you to steal the property of any business that you can make easy prey... Does. And hey, if the people who really know where the skeletons are buried get paid handsomely and are happy to manage/co-own your business for 'ya, why not? I was able to get a good letter of reference from them, which now seems to not even be worth the paper it was written on.

I left for another position, but ran into a very peculiar situation which really was not my fault. I ended up needing to collect unemployment. Unfortunately, the system dictates that the collection effort go back nearly two years - which meant that it fell back on those very charitable (TeHe) people.

Now it turns out that one of the other former employees had put them through the ringer with the Office of Unemployment, so in fear they viciously drug my name through the mud - the whole while being recorded by a claims examiner who was staring right at a copy of the letter of recommendation I was given.

I can only assume that they were really spooked about having Unemployment question them. Hmmm... So now every time I try to seek better employment and they are contacted by POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS WHO ARE LOOKING RIGHT AT THE LETTER OF REFERENCE, I never hear about that job again. I know that it is because I am being slandered, and I can prove it.

It's hard to understand how those who have so much could be so base to those who do not, the whole while parading as angels of charitable mercy to the patrons of "Society".

Mankind has a bias which favors employers, and i guess that's just the way it is. Whatever. But to all you business people out there who are trying to get in good with them and hoping it might do something to help you—watch out! I have seen checks get misplaced, accounts and other business owners "buried". Do what you need to do - but take this advise for the extreme amount that it is worth, and don't say that no one ever warned you.

It really is sad, because I think that the founders of the company really WERE decent folk, and would probably roll over in the grave if they knew what went on there today. I'll bet that all of those trust funds would suddenly disappear if they could know just how untrustworthy that group of people has become. That is why I close by saying goodby to that "pack of goddamn buzzards".

As someone once said: where the dead body is, there will the vultures be gathered.

Company: Gudelsky Group - Percontee, Inc
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Silver Spring
Address: 11900 Tech Road
Phone: 3016220100
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Percontee Inc
Percontee, Inc./Gudelsky Group Hide a mean, untrustworthy greed behind pretenses of charity cheated employees and screwed the customers even more

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