Mia's Restaurants
Orchard Park And Elma, NY Under Age Patrons


More under age drinking. I've been in Mia's Elma on several occasions. More than 50% of the kids in the bar after 10pm are under 21. Unbelievable. I don't care if they have fake ID's... The restaurant should be held accountable. Time to call the Erie County Sheriffs

Cheektowaga, New York

Company: Mia's Restaurants
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Elma
Address: 7200 Seneca St
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Elma Augustine - Herbalife - Merelle Worldwide
I'm out about $150.00 and no compensation in sight

Elma Mall
They take your money, but no merchandise!

Ripoff no customer support no access fradulent Internet, website disapeared next day after I signed up but they are holding the charge in my bebit card

Elma Dolatkhah Edwin Dee Edwin Dolatkhah Dr. Move Inc., Mister Investor, LLC, Plugin Realty, Inc. are all CHEATERS SCAM ARTIST DUPE PEOPLES MONEY

BMT Northwest
BMTCo Variations of the same. Home Office Brown Minneapolis Tank Albuquerque, NM 87105 BMT Northwest owes my company $ xxxxxxx Unpaid & Short Paid Invoices


Issues coupons that you can't use at ANY restaurants, then won't issue you a refund even though the coupons are supposedly good for a year!

Wu-yi Source, Wu-Long
Source No refund at first But, People, BBB got my money for me! It'll work for you, too! Internet

Peter Glimore's Restaurant
Peter Gilmore Closes and Steals from Loyal Patrons

Beaver County Oklahoma
Violating civil rights, human rights beaver county jail in Oklahoma. There violating their civial rights, and human rights by the sheriffs in there