It was a Goverment Grant completely free with No Phsical address and a toll free no. To call, called it, and it ain't free


This envelop is stampped approved in red on the front of it, No Physical address for this company. When You open it it says $25,000.00 pending, call toll free number, when You call that number they want $55.95 sent to them by credit card or checking account information. Then she said if you are not approved they would return the $55.95. It says it is a grant and you don't have to ever pay it back, to use for whatever you need to use it for, completely free, that ain't what happened. $55.95 is not free

Company: G.F.institute
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Kansas City
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Fye Vip Pass
Hidden Fee

Free Grant Information
Grantacessclub.com offered free info of goverment grants for only 1.95 then charged my bank 58.61 causing overdraft charges

Rip-off fraudulent business

Total Cleanse
Toll free number not working

Venture Capital Financial
I was deliberately mislead to believe that i was approved for a government grant, what a scam

Grant Services Inc
GSI called me at work and said I was approved for a grant. They charged me $200, but took $300

The Grant University
Rip off company

Us Credit Card, Shopping Club.com
Ripoff-recieved a call informing me of approval of U.S. Credit card i found out via internet it was fraudulous. The toll free number given was not working

Cash Grant Institute
Cash Grant Institute

DealAP9* Passport To Fun, Dealpass