21st Mortgage
Trailer Trash Unite against the scripted, manipulating Bullys... Let's tell them to stop the name-calling and harrassment


My husband became disabled two years ago. SS disability pays about of what his earnings were. I was laid off from my job last March. I am an administrative manager with over twenty year's experience. I made a good salary that supported our family and paid all our bills. Needless to say, after my unexpected job loss, we went thru our savings very quickly and are now in hard times.

We are currently being threatened, harassed and bullied by 21st Mortgage Company. Our payment is 15 days past due. That's right, only 15 DAYS. Yesterday they called our neighbors, my in-laws, even my 13-year old daughter at school with harassing collection messages. They even told her "your daddy's a deadbeat and you're going to be homeless very soon"! This was when she was in the middle of a math test!

They are spreading this type of information around our small community, and I am wondering if that is preventing me from being able to get a job?

I spoke with 21st Mortgage last nite and they said they had already sent our notice of default and demand for accelerated loan payment to their legal dept. According to them, we will be receiving a foreclosure notice shortly and will be required to pay the balance in full, $42,000 or be evicted unless we come up with last month's payment AND next months.

I don't think their collection practices are legal. They must be taught harassment, name calling and threats from a script, because the so-called "counselors" all say the same words and have the same threats.
However, being called "white trailer trash", "deadbeats", and "stupid money managers" is outrageous. They don't believe we are having hard times, since we've been struggling for a year since I lost my job, and Eric, Whitney, Amy, Joy and Christina say we are lying about our situation and just refusing to pay.

They misrepresent themselves as financial counselors, and offer "advice" and "assistance" for helping pay the mortgage.

BEWARE of their "helpful" advice: This "advice" includes telling me to sell my daughter's barbie dolls; sell our vehicle and ride a bike (we live in the country; 10 miles to the closest grocery store; doctors apptmts are one way, 35 miles, but my husband's disability doesn't matter to them); sell our furniture; and don't pay on credit cards or any other bills;... Their reasoning was "you may be sitting and sleeping on the floor, staring out the window for entertainment instead of at a tv, but you'll have a roof over your head". I could continue with more examples but I think you get the ridiculous nature of their "help".

And if they mail you a list of charitable organizations who will help you with handouts, don't bother to waste your time to contact them. 21st Mortgage Googles nonprofits for your city and send you the list. I spent 20 hours calling 14 agencies they listed, thinking they knew what they were recommending. NONE of the recommended agencies have anything to do with helping with your mortgage. One particular agency said we are just 4 women who volunteer to take elderly to their doctor's appointments twice a week. That's all we do. 21st Mortgage has no idea about the agencies they are recommending. They are going through the motions. They have no intention of helping you.

They also asked very personal questions about our family, such as what my 13 year old daughter looked like, and what I looked like. Since my daughter is 13, petite, and blond haired, one advisor suggested she stand on a street corner in Raleigh and surely there's someway she can make some money to pay your mortgage. You need to teach her to contribute. I'm not sure if they were insinuating she hold a can and beg for change, or prostitute herself. How outrageous!

And an account supervisor, Whitney, suggested I divorce my husband so I could qualify for more low income programs and pay 21st Mortgage. Every time I talk with Whitney, Amy, Christina or Joy, I am left in tears because of their verbal abuse. I've even been suicidal because they made me feel so useless and helpless. I've been told I wasn't worth the air I breathe because I can't even afford a mobile home payment.

SPECIAL OFFER ALERT: Another issue I have is their "account supervisors" make "special offers" then take them back.in our case, an account supervisor named Eric said if we would make two payments at once (this was in October), he would credit us with 3 payments (Make 2 get one free). We scrambled, borrowed, sold things, begged family, etc and were able to come up with the two payments. A month later, we started getting calls saying we were behind 30 days once again and they threatened foreclosure. No... Our monthly payment was supposedly credited by Eric. 21st Mortgage Account Person Amy said, "No, we changed our mind. You owe us another months payment. We are your mortgage company and we can do whatever we want, whenever we want, and we're taking our offer back because we can. There's nothing you can do and unless you come up with another $500 we're going to foreclose". According to Amy, they have a note on their computer that we can pay when pushed, so that gives them the right to threaten us. Doesn't this sound like unfair lending practices, or at the very least, quite unethical?

They will also hold your check and make you past due so they can threaten you with foreclosure unless you make last month's payment, current payment, and next months' payment. Don't fall for their bogus accounting procedures! That is so WRONG! They are fast talkers who will lie to you!

I just don't think this is right, fair or legal, and I'd like to do whatever I can to stop 21st Mortgage, Knoxville TN, from continuing these practices and hurting others.

Don't do business with them! If you are already a victim let's speak out and see if a group voice about their abuse will get some notice!

Company: 21st Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Knoxville
Address: PO Box477
Phone: 8009550021
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