Medra Inc. - William, Debra Radar & John & Lisa Brower
Liars of curing ALS patients with stem cell treatments


In February of this year, I had learned of a company called Medra Inc. That provided stem cell treatments out of country that was curing several diseases and disabilities. The information on the website looked very promising and the telephone conversations sounded very promising in a cure or improved symptoms for ALS. I spoke with John Brower and he told me that Dr. William Radar had treated 25 patients with ALS and every single patient had improved.

Having a top notch doctor I quickly called her and told her of this company. She reviewed the website and immediately told me this was a scam. I notified John Brower of her opinion and he assured me that doctors are good in their respected areas of expertise but had no clue or experience with stem cell. John told me that this is common with their company and the stem cell treatments that they provided always humbled doctors when patients got better.

I asked John for references from ALS patients who had the stem cell and to speak with them about their experience and improved symptoms. John told me he would get me some names though usually these people did not want to speak with people. I told him I found this odd since a person with ALS would step up to speak with another ALS patient wanting them to have a chance to get better. I told him I would announce it to every single patient I knew if I had even the slightest improvement.

He quickly told me that Dr. Radar wanted his patients to be quiet about there experience and not talk about it since the FDA does not approve of stem cell in the US. John told me that he would get me an ALS patient to speak with regarding Medra and how they improved. During this waiting period I received two phone calls from Medra trying to sign me up for a treatment. When I told them I was waiting on a reference they had John call me back and he told me that he had spoken with Dr. Radar who contacted John and get a hold of me as quickly as possible and arrange for me to get the treatment. He had Dr. Radar get on the telephone and tell me he could treat me and he would speak with my doctor regarding the procedure.

My doctor spoke with Dr. Radar and listened to him for 10 minutes talk about the people with diseases and disabilities he had cured including ALS patients. She inquired about the treatment and he told her how he injected the stem cell under the skin. She called him out on this procedure and told him this had no medical value. He could not provide an answer of how the injection worked or any type of medical journals or information to back up his success.

She called me and said he was a fraud and people like him upset her because they give false hope to patients. John called me up and asked if I was ready to do the treatment. I notified him of my doctor's opinion and he reminded me that she had no clue about stem cell. I told him that I had recently found out about an ALS patient who came to Medra twice and never improved. He changed his story and told me that not all ALS patients see improvement.

John said that Dr. Radar could help me because I had minimal symptoms. He assured me that he would get a patient with ALS to speak with. John learned that I had been in law enforcement for 13 years. He told me that he was a former NYPD officer and had a medical retirement after a breathing condition due to 911. He told me that Radar cured him with stem cell and he then began to work for him. This never came up in previous conversations. John said I was a perfect candidate for stem cell and I should get this done ASAP, as I would have a very good chance of a full recovery.

He also promised me a discount for being a cop and called me back later that day to notify me that Debra Radar was giving me a discount from $30,000 to $27,000. That weekend I bagan to google Medra and learned on a Topix board that Medra is fraud. I sent a letter attaching a posting from the Topix board along with waiting for 3 months for a previous ALS patient to speak with that it was time to put up or shut up.

John called and notified me that I was no longer a suitable candidate for their treatment. I told John I would do everything in my power to shut down Medra Inc. I have told my story on the Topix board to help others. John sent an anonymous email to my employer which backfired on him. When I learned in 2002 he was arrested by NYPD for soliciting a prostitute while employed as a NYPD officer his lies of a medical retirement due to 911 was an outright lie. He usually poses on the Topix board under aliases but when I posted the info he came out of hiding to post that He was a hero of 911 and did receive stem cell from Radar for some different disease he had originally told me. He threatened to sue me as well. He quickly erased the posting though it has been saved.

Medra, the Radars and the Browers are liars and cheaters. They prey on people with diseases and disabilities that are desperate in finding a cure. They will be prosecuted and sent to prison. They need to be exposed!

Company: Medra Inc. - William, Debra Radar & John & Lisa Brower
Country: USA
State: California
City: Malibu
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Medra - William Debra Radar & John Lisa Brower
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