Ultra COnversions Fraud! My credit card is being billed 61.02 call have no idea why or who they are! How did they get my credit card # cannot contact them! Los Angeles or Santa Clara


I received my credit card bill with a charge from Direct One, LLC, Santa CLara, CA. For $61.02. I have know idea who they are or why they are billing me. I also got a notice for a $10.00 rebate in the mail for a direct one/ultraConversions, LLC, P.O. Box 452057, Los Angeles, Ca 90045 and also had know idea what this was about so I still have the coupon.

I call the 800 # that is listed on the internet and just get recordings. I would like to know how they signed me up for a service I know nothing about... And how did they get my credit card? THIS is fraud!!! How can I stop it? They have had to steal my credit card number from the internet... It is the only one that i have used to to pay a bill. PLease help me? Thank you for your time.

Company: DirectOne
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: P O Box 452057
  <     >  


DirectOne, LLC
DirectOne, LLC credit card fraud RIPP OFF - They stole my credit card # and billed me for a service I did not authorize., CA

Long Distance rip-off fraudulent billing on my credit card

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DirectOne LLC
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Talent Hold Svc
And/or Hollywood Profiles Credit card rip off for $49.95 per month - Fight back! Credit card provider can charge it back which will hurt the scammers and start a fraud investigation thru their bank and phone company North Hollywood

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Direct One LLC, Santa Ana CA
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