Carlos Martinez
Scams Money for Immigration Visas, Cars


We met this man in the summer of 2008. He is from puerto rico, dark skinned, tall, he shaves his head. He is usually very well dressed, he drives a silver brand new Volvo. He likes to be called by his last name Martinez.

This man is a professional scam artists. He protrays a very affulent gentleman with very good connections. He always takes you to the most upscale restaurants and usually pays for the bill, always with a credit card. He is know by the valets and the people in the restuarants. He usually frequents places the like Blue in Mandarian Hotel, The Palms, Mortons in Fort Lauderdale, Il Mulino in Acqualina. He goes to these places and pays to charm you into thinking he is a great person and would never scam you.

He promises luxury cars for a very low price and then tells you he needs $5,000 for a title, or the door is dented so he needs $1,000 dollars to fix it and then he will deliver it. He likes to prey on latinos who are trying get their immigration papers approved. He claims to know people who work in immigration and for a fee he can get your papers approved immediately. He asks for around $10k upfront and then comes back to you several times asking for more money for this paper or that paper. When you say you do not have it, can he just help you out. He gets mad and says he will not speak to you again and just borrow the money or else. He does this so you do whatever it takes to get the money for him, because he is promising items like immigration papers without the wait or interview and luxury cars.

We have been scammed for over $10,000 and 3 other people we know also have been scammed for over $10,000. We are looking for anyone who may know him or know how to find him. We plan to procecute him to the full extent of the law, for falsely impersonating goverment officials and fraud.

Company: Carlos Martinez
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Gables
Phone: 3057178147
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U.S. Immigration
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US Immigration Center California
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