Myiproducts Imail
RIP-OFF Internet


This company is the biggest rip-off I've ever seen in my life. Somehow thru advertising on the internet they get my name, address, and phone number and charge $14.95 to my phone bill. I know nothing about it until I get a phone bill with the charge on it. I call and they said I signed up for voice mail on a 1-800 line on the internet. E-mailed me a form I never saw before saying I authorized it and that they will not refund my money. If I signed up for a 1-800 line, why wasn't I ever given a number? Custmer service was very rude and said, "no you will not get your money back." Can't these people be stopped and held responsible for their actions?

Company: Myiproducts Imail
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002864455
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Myiproducts Imail
Fraudulent phone charges internet

MyiProducts Imail
Or MyiProducts This company is scamming everyone. Never signed up but they are me charging 14.95

MyIproducts Imail
Billing my phone bill unauthorized for $16.00/ month Internet

Myiproducts Imail
AT&T Allows MYIPRODUCTS IMAIL Company to Rip Me Off! Internet
This company is planning to bill me $14.95 to my phone bill for something that I did not authorize and a service that I don't even know nothing about
Internet fraud
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ESBI - MyiProducts Imail
Fraudulant billing Never subscribed to this! Absolutely no reason to

Esbi - Myiproducts Imail
Added fradulant charges to my AT&T bill for voicemail I never signed up for!

Myiproducts Imail
Unauthorized Charges On Monthly AT&T Phone Bill Michigan City