Oceanview Equity - Eddie Gomez, Tony, Gabriel Sanchez, Hector, Barry
Oceanview Equity Eddie Gomez, Tony, Gabriel Sanchez, Hector, Barry Oceanview equity


I was getting behind on my house payments my local news station was running reports about getting help with home foreclosures and had different sites to go to to get help. I thought oceanview equity seemed reputable it had a good rating from the BBB and was on a reputable news site so it had to be ok to use. Well I was wrong it seemed to start ok everyone was very nice even gave me a few weeks to pay my fee even called to see how I was doing and to let me know they have a great relationship with my lender. They did everything to gain my trust until they received the whole payment then all of a sudden it was liked they lost my number. I would call and call leave messages after messages and finally after about 3 weeks I would get ahold of someone who assured me they were working on things for me and they should have good news for me next week, well next week didnt come. So again I started with the phone calls and leaving messages. Even tho they told me not to get in touch with my lender I did get in touch with them and they told me they didnt have any info from oceanview and that they would not deal with them. I called oceanview again and wouldnt hand up till I talked to someone. Tony assured me he would call oceanview and talk to the person he was in touch with at my lenders and he would clear the whole thing up and call me back within the hour. Well guess what no phone call. What was worse was a couple of days later I received a letter saying they sold my loan to another lender. I called and told Tony I wanted my money back and he said he understood but he had to run it by his supervisor Eddie before they could issue a check.

Again I had to wait again not to get any calls. I called and would not hang up till I talked with Tony I told him that they were just scamming me and didnt care about people who truly needed help and that all they did was take peoples money and run. I then hung up on him. Next thing I know I get a call back within 5 mins from Eddie Gomez wanting some time to go over my account and he would call me back in a couple of days.

I have not heard from anyone from oceanview in 3 months and gave up just as I am sure they were hoping I would. I lost my home and am now living with my daughter and her family. All I know is these people should be taken down and everyone they riped off should be paid back the money that was given to them.

Never trust a company that says they can help you out of debt because they will rip you off and not help you.

Company: Oceanview Equity - Eddie Gomez, Tony, Gabriel Sanchez, Hector, Barry
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 3000 NE 30th Place
Phone: 8775289111
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Oceanview Equity
They called me constantly, until I paid the fee

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Oceanview is a SCAM! Do not fall into their lies

Oceanview Equity
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Guarenteed he would save my home or my money back Didn't happen!

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I am on disability right now because of breast cancer and am behind in my mortgage payments

Oceanview Investments, Oceanview Equity
Oceanview Equity Investments BEWARE they claim to be "Foreclosure Experts" but will only scam your money even though they claim "100% refund" no questions asked!

Extremely Dissatisfied Custome