Best Buy Co, Inc
Bestbuybest Buy Co, Inc. David Wilson bestbuy, best buy co, inc


An offer of employment comes via email. The position is described in my case as an at home gift wrapping job. The email misleads you to think that your are receiving the offer from BestBuy Human resources. If you respond to the email as if interested the perp will follow up with job description, application word document asking for sensitive information which will lead to identity theft, and further scams asking for info and up front payment for supplies, etc. BestBuy the legitimate one, I know for a fact uses a third party secure, certified company to handle their applications so don't even consider replying to this info.

Company: Best Buy Co, Inc
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Address: 3109 W 50st
Phone: 6124352797
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Consumer Report

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Household Bank - Bestbuy
Household Bank/Bestbuy ripoff. Advertised offer 25.00 Bestbuy Giftcard upon bankcard approval and first payment made both Household Bank and Bestbuy refuse to honor or responsed to my requests they ripped me off Woodbury, Minesota

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