Vital Rezy
Or Lift SP They lie and cheat me, and refuse to take a charge off of my credit card for items sent back


I wanted to try a free trial offer of Vitl Rezv on the internet. I filled out the information, but they kept trying to get me to add things. I told them no
and finally said to just cancel the order. The last woman I talked to said she would do it. However, in just a few days came the first box. I sent it back
return to sender, and sent them an email telling them to stop sending any thing more. A few days more, they sent me a box from China with a charge of $184.00. I sent that back. I thought all was finished, but was wrong. I
kept getting emails thanking me for Participating in the trial offer. Then the final email that really made me angry was that since they hadn't heard from
me they were going to charge me $79.95 and it would appear as Pure G Health. Actually, the charged me $81.54. My last email said that if they did
not put that credit back on my credit card, I was going to take serious action against them, and I am. This has been going on since the latter part of April,
and it is going to stop. As of this date 5-19-09 they still refuse to credit my account. When I sent back the boxes, I put a letter in it telling them what was happening, but there was no response there either. This is going to stop.
I would for the department of justice and know how deal with them. I want others to know how crooked they are.

Company: Vital Rezy
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Riverton
Address: Lift SP P.O. Box 24680LFT
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