Services Unlimited Plus
Mistreated and ripped off Just say no and run as fast as you can there are NO loopholes


The other day, I was leaving the mall when I was "malled" by a young man who simply asked me "Are you old enough to vote?".

I answered yes to this question only to be blown away by an outrageous account of all that he was going to win, that he could go to London if he sold a certain amount of magazines. I told him, right off, that I was not interested and he persisted.

He would not back off so, I finally let him explain to me the "loop-hole" and so, I gave in. To make a long story short, the loop-hole doesn't exist and my account was debited without a refund.

I sent the receipts in so that I would be reimbersed the money but, obviously, it didn't work. Furthermore, I was told that the checks would be held for a month-no such luck. The checks showed up on my online account within 6 days. Watch out, they'll get you. Just say no and run as fast as you can.

Company: Services Unlimited Plus
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Glendale
Address: PO Box 12613
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Services Unlimited Plus
Fraudulent magazine sales

Checks Unlimited
Checks Unlimited - DUPLICATE CHECKS

Services Unlimited Plus (SUP)
Send out young men claiming to be working through their college to win a trip to London. Ripoff

Checks Unlimited
Checks unlimited EXCELLENT

Checks Unlimited
Short 100 checks - duplicate checks

GC Services Ltd. Partnership
GC Services Partnership Questionable collection practices Ripoff

Checks Unlimited
Consumer fraud ripoff

Services Unlimited Plus
Ripoff scam

U-Talk Unlimited
Lying, dishonest, misleading promises, Charge BEFORE trial ends

Miles Unlimited Sales
Magazine School rip off!