Mike Putnam, Quantum, Winners Advertising, Harmony Hunt, Keith Certo, Smart Circle, Larry Tenenbaum
Mike Putnam - Quantum, Winners Advertising - Harmony Hunt - Keith Certo - Smart Circle - Larry Tenenbaum - Victoria Jackson Cosmetics FORMER OWNER TELLS ALL YOU WANT MEAT AND POTATOES YOU GOT IT! Scam, liars, pyramid scheme, does not work


Alot of people wanted the truth and for quite some time I wasnt going to comment, but just so everyone knows QUANTUM doesnt exist as we know it, so just watch out for new angles from these people MIKE PUTNAM, HARMONY HUNT, LARRY TENNENBAUM, KEITH CERTO, LARISSA HAWLEY, and a ton of others. Quantum has like 15 offices total... Haha. Way to go MIKE!

So I was an Owner for. A long time, the most I ever brought home on 1 paycheck was $800. I could waste your time and tell you how this is a scam but we all know that but here the good stuff.

You start off in the field on 100% commission, they tell you if you have the right DNA, want to be a business owner, and work hard, then the world is yours. DID THAT!

You get promoted to trainer, you build a team, go on business trips that... Yes... You had to pay for yourself... DID THAT!

BUT, My owner told me all this and it was all true. Up until here! I got promoted to asst mgr. Where I was suppose to be making according to the chart (I still have) $900-$1200 a week, however I never brought home more than $700 as an asst. Manager, because "they were saving it for me in a ledger I NEVER SAW" to open my office. DID THAT!

I took over an office that got shut down, we didnt but my office anything new, except paint, which I paid for! So where did that money go? My office was already "set up". DID THAT! Sound Familiar!

So now I am an owner! I am ready to make the $75-100k they said rookie owners bring in. This was in 2007... As an owner they have you tell people that you only claim $250-$500 a week because thats what all business owner do to avoid higher tax liability, when really thats all you can affford to pay yourself, if you dont want to get shut down. Then they promote people who are making money like Larissa Hawley, but JUST TO INFORM EVERYONE NOW, she got cheaper prices on merch than all of us due to the fact she shared a building with an innovage VP! As one of the owners I brought home approximately $18,000 my first year as an owner, Total!

I just left this business recently, so I will post any information I might have, just ask, I have tons! But just know if your not in, you dont want to be! I have many people I TRULY CARE ABOUT, THAT HELPED ME TREMENDOUSLY when I needed it that are still working for these people somehow. To those people I havent forgotten you, however i KNOW you have forgotten me, its not your fault...

For anybody who lost self esteem by going through the biz, dont! I am making crazy money now, because of what they taught... Its only a learning experience... So if you wanna learn how to work hard sign up... Or you could just WORK HARD! YOU WILL NEVER MAKE MONEY AS AN OWNER, unless you are someone of interest to PUTNAM, even then youll probably break even. Haha. I am just glad to know that alot of people quit after I did. They will never regain theyre past glory...

Company: Mike Putnam, Quantum, Winners Advertising, Harmony Hunt, Keith Certo, Smart Circle, Larry Tenenbaum
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Woburn
Address: 3-A Gill St
Phone: 7819356491
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