Global Financial
Vertex One ripoff


I just want to thank you. I was wondering why my credit card was taking so damn long from global financial, so I went on the internet and found that a bunch of consumer complaintss on them. Beleive me I was piessed. I read some reports saying you can't get your money back if you did an electronic transfer but hell that I tried anyways.

I called my bank and asked for a superviser. I asked her if I could get the name and address of the people who debited my account she asked me why and I told her my situation, before she could even give me the address she says "ok we'll reverse the process." I couldn't beleive it. I told her it's not you that I iwant my money back from it's the scum bags that jiped me, she said don't worry your protected by some kind of electronic transfer laws. I never even bothered asking I was to thankful.
Then she told me next time you apply for a credit card you it shouldn't cost you $221.95 I said only gullable people wouldn't know that. I thanked her so much for giving me no hassles. I'm sure i was on the phone with her for less than 5 minutes. Now I know where my kids accounts are going to be. I know I'll be there forever.

Thank you so much

Company: Global Financial
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: global financial. cc
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