Overdraft Rip-off AGAIIN


Well Wachovia got me again.

I went to a bar last Friday and started a tab. The bar ran something that put a 25 dollar charge on my account. I actually only spent 11.50. I called in a panic and explained... They said if the charges came out in a fashion that was against my favor I'd be screwed. Of course the largest to smallest method, and delaying my charges put me through the ringer.

I deposited 300 dollars cash and they said since it was after 2pm I'd be screwed. Well low and behold they hit me with 6 OD fees (210$) for charges that were all under 5$.

Bare with me on spelling and grammar, when I saw the balance this morning I almost puked. What I want to know is how can I screw over the banks? I don't mind going to prison but don't want people to die. I would like to contribute to destroying the nation's banking system and I am willing to go back to school for 4-6 years to do it. If you treated people like this in public, you would get the $hit kicked out of you, if you took money from people like this you'd go to prison. These people are patting each other on the back with big payoffs from our tax dollar bailout and continue to rape the lower and middle class.

This site, and others like it, are a great outlets to blow off some steam. But I need justice and I want revenge. I would gladly spend the rest of my life in prison to bring justice to the American people for what these banks are doing. What job could I get at a bank that would put me in a position to destroy data and back ups? I do not mind returning to school to retrain for the position, but I have had enough. People need to stand up and say that this is unacceptable. I have filed with the BBB, but that is not enough.

They are corrupt and operate solely on greed.

Company: Wachovia
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Holly Springs
Address: 5209 Sunset Lake Rd
Phone: 9193876826
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