Acne Free In 3 Days By Chris Gibson, Universal Marketing Media Inc
Don't fall for it!


I have had problems with acne since I was 12 years old and I'm always trying to find "the cure" for acne, so I found this web site & thought it was the answer to all my skin problems. I studied the products for a week & also looked online to see if this was a scam, but I forgot to look on, that was the biggest mistake I could of before falling right into this scam.

I ordered Acne Free In 3 Days hardcover book on 4/16/09, and was suppose to receive it 7-10 business days thereafter, those 10 business days have come and gone & all I have seen is that I am $49.95 poorer now. I have sent emails, they are never returned, I have called their company that they give you on your so called reciept 1-800-441-6315, they never talk to you, you just leave a voicemail & Chris will get back to you, ya right you never hear from them again because they already have what they set out for, "your money"! Please don't be as stupid as I was and fall for this scam!!!

Company: Acne Free In 3 Days By Chris Gibson, Universal Marketing Media Inc
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Franklin
Address: 190 Howard Street, Suite 400
Phone: 8004416315
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Universal Marketing Media Inc
Never received the orde

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Acne Free In 3 Days By Chris Gibson, Universal Marketing Media Inc
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