, Vista Print
Vista Print sold my credit card information to Business Max and charged me $14.95 a month without my consent! Omaha Nebraska


Today 4/22/09 realized that BUSINESS with the phone number 1-888-584-2217 and supposedly located in Nebraska has charged my account with $14.95 for a membership that I never asked for. Supposedly while I was ordering some business cards from VISTA PRINT I clicked on a banner and that authorized them to charge my credit card with that money.

When I called I talked to Cristina #5766 who explained to me that I must have received an email confirming my membership. I look into every email that I received since that date and couldn't find any email with that kind of information.

Obviously these people are so used to do this because when I called they where so rude and cold and when I asked for a manager or someone responsible for the company she stated that the information she (Cristina #5766) gave me was all she could give me. Is there any way to stop this people? This should be a crime!

People please stay away from vista print and business max!!!

Company:, Vista Print
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8885842217
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