Marc R Tow & Associates
Fraud, did not fullfill loan modification service, taking advantage of distressed homeowners, dishonest person


Dear Mr. Tow, (details in letter addressed to Mr. Tow)

This letter is to inform you of my request for a full refund in the amount of $3,100.00 to be paid to me on or before Friday, April 3rd by addition, I would like the originals, as well as any copies of my personal information.

I was referred to you by an associate of mine who has a business establishment for referring distressed homeowners to your company. I paid $3,100 via a wire transfer to your account (see enclosed) on December 5th at which time you were to begin the process of a loan modification on both my 1st and 2nd mortgage for my property. I contacted your office several times in December following my wire transfer and was assured by your staff that my file was being handled promptly by a Devin Rockefeller. After speaking with Mr. Rockefeller on December 22nd he assured me that the process would begin immediately and that it would be completed in 60 days or less. Mr. Rockafeller told me that Countrywide, my 1st mortgage, is easier to work with compared to that of IndyMac and would have my loan modifications completed within a 30-60 day time frame.

On February 22 (2 months later), I contacted Mr. Rockefeller via email to acquire the status of my files and his response was emailed to me on February 25 (see enclosed) that stated an offer was made to Countrywide. Per our agreement (see enclosed), I should have been notified of this offer, but I was not notified at all of any details, which prompted my request for a face to face meeting. After repeated phone calls, I did not receive a return phone call, so I sent an email to Mr. Rockafeller stating my concern and that I should have a right to know details and to also meet everyone, including yourself, who are involved with handling my files. This meeting finally took place on March 24th (109 days after my wire transfer of $3100 to you); however, the only person who attended the meeting was Mr. Rockafeller and he was not clear on the details of progress, if any, nor could he answer why nothing had been done for several months. I requested a meeting with you, in which Devin arranged to occur on March 25th at 5:30pm.

On March 25th, prior to my meeting with you, I contacted Countrywide, my 1st mortgage, and they stated that an authorization form had not been received from you until February 26th 84 days after the wire transfer. Countrywide also informed me that my financial information had not been received until March 17th, 103 days after the wire transfer. Furthermore, Countrywide has informed me that they have no offer at all from your contrary, IndyMac, my second mortgage, did receive an authorization on December 30th but was not followed up with any correspondence phone calls or documentation whatsoever.

During our meeting on March 25th, I expressed that I was not happy with your service and asked for a full refund. After asking you for a refund, you became upset and said that you were not going to give me a refund. You did not allow me an opportunity to discuss the reasons for my request, which is why I've documented it above in this letter.

I respectfully request a full refund of $3,100 by 5pm on Friday, April 3rd 2009 in the form of a cashier's check or money order.

Company: Marc R Tow & Associates
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
Address: 3920 Birch Avenue, Suite 102
Phone: 9499750544
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Federal Loan Modification Law Center
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CountryWide Mortgage
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Marc R Tow & Associates
Did not provide loan modification or refund after 8 months

Home Loans Customer Service is a Joke ripoff

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Retention? I didn't know that meant my payments!

Bank fo america
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Countrywide Home Loans

Wrongfully applying payments!