TWX Magazine
Unautherized charges to my debit card and the worst automated system ever!


I have a reloadable debit card and i had loaded some money on it a few days ago. I was checking my balance bacause i had went out the night before and i saw that today i had a charge from twx magazine for 20.00 i was like wtf???

I thought did i lose my card at the club? Did someone use it? Then it occurred to me i had bought some clothes online from delias and some free offer to pick 3 mags came up i was like wtf??? I didnt sigh up for any subscriptions.

Also i havent loaded money on that card in several months and i had noticed on my transaction history they had try to CHARGE MY CARD like 8 TIMES BEFORE!!! For the 20.00 and the last time was 2 WEEKS AGO for 4 DAYS STRAIGHT!!!

My card transaction has an info button for charges so put the cursor over it for TWX MAGAZINES and it said NY and an 800 number i IMMEDIATELY called and it was AWFUL NO HUMANS JUST A STUPID AUTOMATED PERSON ASKING MY HOME PHONE NUMBER and if its my cell press star THEN IT COULD NOT FIND ME thats when i googled it and found all these RIP OFF REPORTS and i found THE EXACT NUMBER TO GET A HUMAN AND CANCEL IT 877-294-1093 a REAL PERSON IMMEDIATELY ANSWERED but he wasnt the greates i yelled at him because he was asking me questions i had no idea what the answer was

snellville, Georgia

Company: TWX Magazine
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 877-650-0828 Synapse Group, Inc
Phone: 8772941093
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TWX Magazine, 800-642-5640, 800-205-9198
2 charges appeared in my account for magazine renewels that I did not renew, may have some info for others on how to get it resolved. New York New York

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