Unified Tribe, Magic, Harmony, Merrily, Starr, Linda
Magic is a Rapist, Cult Leader, scammers, rip-off, sexist, womanizer, sleaze


Magic of Unified Tribe is a disgusting thief, using cunning, smooth talk to manipulate you into handing over your money and anything else he can get out of you. He's been a con-artist for many years, and is extremely good at it.

Using philosophy and spirituality, he creates an illusion of a deity, (unlike a god). He is so disillusioned that he believes his own lies!

He preys on the young and naive, with the potential talent in music and entertainment field and will profess to be an agent like Brian Epstein of the Beatles.

His wife sounds like a trained robot to say all the right things not only in his defense but also to help reel you into the deception.

When he is caught in his lie, he will beg for forgiveness basing it on his poor up bringing in a dysfunctional family, which will create sympathy.

He no longer has my compassion; he makes me sick to my stomach ugh!

Victim of his ugly crime

Company: Unified Tribe, Magic, Harmony, Merrily, Starr, Linda
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
  <     >  


Unified Tribe, Magic Mendez, Harmomy, Merrily
Starr, Cult Leader, Scammers, Ripoff, Sexist, Womanizer, Sleeze, Bastard Magic of Unified Tribe is a disgusting thief, using cunning, smooth talk to manipulate you into handing over your money and anything else he can get out of you

Unified Tribe, Magic, Harmony, Starr, Linda, Merrily, All Other Members Of Unified Tribe
Investors have lost thousands of dollars, with no return! Woman have been abused and misused! Beware of UNIFIED TRIBE! Nationwide

Unified Tribe, Magic David Mendez, Starr, Linda, Harmony, Merrily, Jessi, Kathy, Kay, All Evil
Cult Leader, Scammers, Ripoff, Sexist, Womanizer, Sleeze, Bastard Magic of Unified Tribe

Unified Tribe, Magic, Starr, Linda, Merrily, Harmony, Falcon, Kal-el
The Real Roles of Unified Tribe

Unified Tribe And The Cult Leader, Magic
Scammers full of fraud

Unified Tribe
Rapist, Cult Leader, scammers, ripoff, Magic, sexist, womanizer, sleeze, bastard, Harmony, Merrilly Las Vegas Nevada

Unified Tribe, Magic, Harmony, Merrily, Starr, Linda
Beware of Unified Tribe!

Unified Tribe, Magic, Starr, Merrily, Harmony, Linda
Unified tribe, magic, starr, harmony, merrily, linda unified tribe, cult, perverted, unbalanced, predators, thieves, wannabe, failu

Unified Tribe, Magic Mendez
Unified Tribe And Anyone Involed With The Group, Lead By Magic Mendez Beware of Unified Tribe and Magic Mendez, DO NOT support Unified Tribe in ANY way

Unified Tribe, Magic Mendez, Starr Mendez (Sweat), (Amelia) Harmony Blackwell, Merrily Garrett, Lind
Unified Tribe, Magic Mendez, Starr Mendez Sweat, Amelia Harmony Blackwell, Merrily Garrett, Lind Unified Tribe, Linda Duffy, Jessi... Unified Tribe, Magic Mendez, Scam. Beware