Face To Face Technologies
Sold my 15 year old a magazine subscription!


Sold magazines door-to-door. I called the police but they didn't come until it was too late. They sold to my unsuspecting, naive 15 year old daughter for $71.00. I did manage to get rid of them tho because once I called the police, I couldn't find them anywhere!

Company: Face To Face Technologies
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Kittredge
Phone: 3036748252
Site: www.americancashawards.com
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American Cash Rewards / Love Technologies / Face To Face Technologies
Never received magazine that was ordered since august - called numerous times

Face To Face Technologies
Face to Face Technologies, paid subscription, never got magazines

Face To Face Technologies
Ripoff Sold me (scammed me) a magazine subscription I cancelled the order the following day sticking to cancellation procedure and have not been refunded my money nor have I been contacted

FTFT - Dynasty Technologies Inc. - Face To Face Technologies
Conartists using "young, less fortunate, individuals" to rip off your money for a false magazine subscription

Face To Face Technology
Young girl came to door selling magazines, working for a travel award through americancash awards, Gave her a check and have never received magazine paid fo

Face To Face Technologies, Inc
FACE OFF, INC I was gullible the day two young men going door to door selling magazine subscriptions walked into my gargage and now I am $63.00 poorer with no magazine

Face To Face Technologies, Two white energetic women knocked on our apt door asking us to purchase magazines to help them earn their way thru college

American Cash Rewards / Love Technologies / Face To Face Technologies
Took my money for a magazine and then never delivered!

Face To Face Technologies, Inc
Face to Face Technologies 2 "students" came to the door selling magazine subscriptions, showed me a badge that they said was a liscense to prove they were allowed to be doing this, I wrote them a check for $63

Syn Inc - Face To Face Tech - Great Lake Circulation - Face Off Inc, Miami Dream Team
Younger male selling magazine subscriptions door to door claiming it is for some youth communication award